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Author: kimberly weiss, executive director (3 articles found) - Clear Search

HD ProXtra Discounts Save You Money


     As a beginning investor and newer REIA member, I haven’t had many opportunities yet to discover the potential impact of also being a National REIA and Home Depot ProXtra member.   I am a homeowner though, so of course I have things that break and appliances that wear down that I have to get fixed.  
     I’ll spare you all the messy details, but suffice it to say, my refrigerator recently became too much to deal with and sent me on the hunt for a replacement. I started immediately with a search on the Home Depot app, where I’m registered with my ProXtra discounts, and I wasn’t disappointed!  
     I didn’t need anything top of the line or anything, and with my discounts, I saved a whopping 33% off with ProXtra discount and found a solution under $500!  I also checked around at some major competitors and their prices for the same refrigerator, including discounts, still came in around $50-$100 more. 

Could I have gotten a used refrigerator somewhere else for less? Maybe, but who knows how much life would be left on a large, used appliance like this? Better to go new and trusted, and as bot

Right of Entry - What Housing Providers and Property Owners Need to Know!


Last year, Dayton Police were able to send a Detective representative to speak with our members and guests about effective methods for protecting their property investments! 

One major concern from many members was that of "squatters", and Dayton Police had a lot of great information to share including these forms on their Right of Entry Program.  This program allows owner, co-owners, and property managers to assign permission for Dayton Police to enter the property when it qualifies under the circumstances and conditions listed in the program.   

Right of Entry Information Letter
 This form details the Right of Entry Program

Right of Entry Agreement
 This form give the actual permission for entry