There are 3 figures that go hand-in-hand when trying to determine a commercial/apartment property's value. They are; Net Operating Income (NOI), Cap Rate (CR) and Asking Price or Purchase Price (PP). If you know 2 of the figures you can always figure out the third.
I will be talking about the NOI of a property. More specifically, how NOI is calculated as it relates to an apartment building.
We are going to start with a simplified version of how to arrive at the NOI of a property and then expand each category. Basically, the formula is: Income -Expenses (other than debt service) = Net Operating Income.
First thing, I determine the income generated by the property. I start with the Gross Potential Rental Income (GPI) or Scheduled Gross Rental Income (SGI). Both terms are used interchangeably within the industry. The GPI assumes that all apartments (100%) are rented at full market value even if some are actually vacant or discounted.
For our example, I will use a 30 unit apartment building that has all 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom units with market rents of $600 per month each. Th