There’s something to learn at every GDREIA meeting. Here’s what you missed during May, 2016 (Click the graphic for pics!):
Our First Wednesday meeting featured a preview of one of GDREIA’s most popular offerings: the long-running Rehab Seminar and Bus Tour. Event organizer Mike Frye told the meeting about the essentials investors need to learn to make sound decisions in assessing, buying, renovating and selling properties in neighborhoods across our area. He also shared revealing “war stories” about what he’s learned from his own investment purchases.
Also in May, longtime GDREIA commercial member, Attorney-at-Law Derrick Strahorn, cleared some of the mystery from the subject of the laws governing real estate. He answered audience questions concerning purchase and sale contracts, leases, evictions and potential landlord liability for injuries on rental property. He also offered a piece of advice many people hear too late: “If you want a lawyer to review a contract, have him review it before you sign it.”