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2020-10-01 OREIA Legislative Activities Report | By: Dan Acton

17 SOUTH HIGH STREET – SUITE 245 COLUMBUS, OHIO 43215-3413 PHONE: 614-461-9335
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Ohio Real Estate Investors Association Legislative Activities Report October 2020
Legislators in the House and Senate held what was likely their final legislative session in September before recessing in October to return to their districts for the final stretches of the 2020 campaign season. Lawmakers put the final changes on numerous bills touching multiple issues including Ohio’s unemployment compensation system, distributing federal CARES Act funding to local governments, and updating Ohio’s liquor laws to help restaurants and bars struggling during the pandemic. Speaker Cupp identified several legislative priorities which still need to be finished before the end of the year including; the ongoing review of multiple House Bill 6 repeal measures, passing a long sought education-funding reform bill (House Bill 305), and several campaign finance reform bills.
Governor DeWine said he hopes to soon provide details of an economic aid package for small businesses, nonprofits and renters. The plan is to balance the use of federal pandemic aid dollars for such assistance while reserving some for testing. The Governor acknowledged that people and businesses may need more help than the state can provide from its share of federal aid dollars. The length of the economic downturn created by efforts to slow the spread of the coronavirus is also unclear. He called it a mental health issue for those with months of unpaid rent agonizing over how they plan to make payments. Early indications are that the additional financial assistance will be used for rent and utility assistance for tenants.
The legislature sent to the Governor legislation that includes $650 million in federal CARES Act money for local governments. The House concurred with Senate amendments to House Bill 614 after the upper chamber amended the bill to include all of Senate Bill 357, a second bill designed to distribute the $650 million to local governments. House Bill 614 now contains a new funding mechanism which distributes funds on a per capita basis using 2019 census data, unlike past distribution models like the Local Government Fund formula used in House Bill 481 and other rounds of CARES Act funding approved by the Controlling Board. House Bill 614 also extends redistribution deadlines. Under the updated law, the deadline for
jurisdictions to use funds before redistribution has been extended to November 20th for all dollars allocated to local governments. Redistribution by the counties must occur on or before November 25th and funds must be spent by December 30, 2020.
Advocates are encouraging tenants facing eviction to take advantage of the CDC’s eviction moratorium. In order to help prevent the spread of COVID-19, the CDC in September issued the first ever nationwide order temporarily banning the eviction of tenants who are unable to pay rent. Tenants earning less $99,000/year, or $198,000/year for joint tax filers, who are unable to pay full or partial rent due to a loss of income or extraordinary medical expenses are eligible for the moratorium. Tenants must sign an affidavit that they are unable to pay their rent and provide the affidavit under penalty of law if they falsify the document in an effort to avoid rent payments.
The PUCO denied rehearing requests from consumer advocates who had sought more flexibility in the winter reconnection program due to the ongoing pandemic. The Ohio Poverty Law Center, Southeastern Ohio Legal Services, the Legal Aid Society of Columbus and the Ohio Consumers' Counsel all partnered to try to convince the PUCO to revisit an August decision in which the panel adopted its annual winter reconnect order limiting charges for reconnections or new connections in the coldest months. The consumer groups argued the August ruling expanding governing winter service reconnections was insufficient in the midst of a global pandemic. The order established rules ensuring that any residential customer will pay no more than $175 plus reconnection charges not to exceed $36 to reconnect or establish new service. The commissioners at the time said they had expanded the window for the program, which for 2020- 2021 will last from October 5 to April 15, and that they had accelerated finalizing the order to provide more certainty amid the COVID-19 health crisis. But the advocacy groups argued that there were still customers who would fall through the cracks and that keeping power on for children returning to school in virtual classrooms is of particular concern.
Below is a list of legislation we are currently tracking during the 133rd Ohio General Assembly:
HB11 TOBACCO CESSATION-PRENATAL CARE (MANNING G) Regarding tobacco cessation and prenatal initiatives and to make an appropriation.
Current Status: Comments:
Position: State Bill Page:
6/19/2020 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR; eff. 9/18/20. Appropriations effective 06/19/20
Dan Acton provided proponent testimony on 5/28/2019 in House Health Committee
Dan Acton provided proponent testimony on 6/19/2019 in House Finance Committee
Dan Acton provided written proponent testimony on 6/9/2020 in the Senate Health, Human Services and Medicaid Committee
Support summary?id=GA133-HB-11
HB20 SOLAR PANEL LIMITATIONS (BLESSING III L) To prohibit condominium, homeowners, and neighborhood associations from imposing unreasonable limitations on the installation of solar collector systems on the roof or exterior walls of improvements.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
6/26/2019 - House State and Local Government, (First Hearing) Reviewing summary?id=GA133-HB-20
HB21 MASS LAYOFFS-UNEMPLOYMENT COMP (HOLMES G, MILLER A) Regarding notices, resources, and benefits under the Unemployment Compensation Law when a mass layoff occurs.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
2/12/2019 - Referred to Committee House Commerce and Labor Reviewing summary?id=GA133-HB-21
HB34 STATE-LOCAL MINIMUM WAGE (KELLY B) To increase the state minimum wage and to allow municipalities, townships, and counties to establish higher minimum wage requirements.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
1/22/2020 - House Commerce and Labor, (First Hearing) Reviewing summary?id=GA133-HB-34
HB37 VICIOUS DOGS LAW (ANTANI N, HOLMES G) To revise the laws governing nuisance, dangerous, and vicious dogs.
Current Status:
Position: State Bill Page:
9/25/2019 - House Criminal Justice Criminal Sentencing Subcommittee, (First Hearing)
Reviewing summary?id=GA133-HB-37
HB47 TAX COMPLAINTS-LEGAL ASSISTANCE FOUNDATION (GREENSPAN D) To increase the time within which property tax complaints must be decided.
Current Status: Comments: Position: State Bill Page:
10/22/2019 - Senate Ways and Means, (First Hearing) Dan Acton testified as an interested party on 4/2/19. Interested Party summary?id=GA133-HB-47
HB62 TRANSPORTATION BUDGET (OELSLAGER S) To increase the rate of and modify the distribution of revenue from motor fuel excise taxes, to make appropriations for programs related to transportation and public safety for the biennium beginning July 1, 2019, and ending June 30, 2021, and to provide authorization and conditions for the operation of those programs.
Current Status:
Position: State Bill Page:
4/3/2019 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR; Various effective dates; taxes eff. 7/1/19
Neutral summary?id=GA133-HB-62
HB74 JUNK WATERCRAFT-UNCOVERED (ARNDT S) To prohibit a property owner from leaving a junk watercraft vessel or outboard motor uncovered in the open on the owner's property.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
5/1/2019 - House State and Local Government, (Second Hearing) Reviewing summary?id=GA133-HB-74
HB75 PROPERTY VALUE CONTESTS (MERRIN D) To require local governments that contest property values to formally pass an authorizing resolution for each contest and to notify property owners.
Current Status:
Comments: Position: State Bill Page:
9/22/2020 - Senate Local Government, Public Safety and Veterans Affairs, (First Hearing)
Dan Acton testified in support of HB 75 on 3/19/19.
Support summary?id=GA133-HB-75
HB76 BALLOT LANGUAGE UNIFORMITY (MERRIN D) To enact the "Ballot Uniformity and Transparency Act" to modify the form of election notices and ballot language for property tax levies.
Current Status:
Comments: Position: State Bill Page:
1/22/2020 - Senate General Government and Agency Review , (Fourth Hearing)
Dan Acton provided written proponent testimony on 12/4/19.
Support summary?id=GA133-HB-76
HB79 INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION BUDGET (OELSLAGER S) To make appropriations for the Industrial Commission for the biennium beginning July 1, 2019, and ending June 30, 2021, and to provide authorization and conditions for the operation of Commission programs.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
6/27/2019 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR; eff. 6/27/19 Neutral summary?id=GA133-HB-79
HB80 BWC BUDGET (OELSLAGER S) To make appropriations for the Bureau of Workers' Compensation for the biennium beginning July 1, 2019, and ending June 30, 2021, and to provide authorization and conditions for the operation of the bureau's programs.
Current Status:
Position: State Bill Page:
7/22/2019 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR; Eff. 7/22/19. Certain provisions effective 10/21/19
Neutral summary?id=GA133-HB-80
HB87 OVI CHARGE SEALING (ANTANI N) To allow for the sealing of charges dismissed through intervention in lieu of conviction when those charges are connected to a conviction for operating a vehicle under the influence.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
3/28/2019 - House Criminal Justice, (Third Hearing) Neutral summary?id=GA133-HB-87
HB99 HOMESTEAD EXEMPTION ELIGIBILITY (CERA J, ROGERS J) To raise the homestead exemption income eligibility to $60,000 and increase the tax reduction.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
11/5/2019 - House Ways and Means, (First Hearing) Reviewing summary?id=GA133-HB-99
HB103 LAND INSTALLMENT CONTRACTS (LEPORE-HAGAN M, MANNING D) To make changes to the law relating to land installment contracts.
Current Status: Comments: Position: State Bill Page:
5/21/2019 - House Civil Justice, (Second Hearing)
OREIA met with Senator O'Brien to discuss changes on May 29, 2019 Oppose summary?id=GA133-HB-103
HB115 REGULATOR RESTRICTION REDUCTION (RIEDEL C, ROEMER B) To require certain agencies to reduce the number of regulator restrictions and to amend the versions of sections 106.021 and 106.03 of the Revised Code that are scheduled to take effect August 18, 2019, to continue the provision of this act on and after that effective date.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
4/10/2019 - House State and Local Government, (Second Hearing) Reviewing summary?id=GA133-HB-115
HB124 RESIDENTIAL SMALL LIVESTOCK (BRINKMAN T) To allow an owner of residential property to keep small livestock on the property and to prohibit zoning authorities from regulating certain noncommercial agricultural activities on residential property.
Current Status:
Position: State Bill Page:
3/12/2019 - Referred to Committee House Agriculture and Rural Development
Reviewing summary?id=GA133-HB-124
HB131 DEBT ADJUSTING (ROEMER B) Regarding debt adjusting.
Current Status:
Position: State Bill Page:
11/21/2019 - SUBSTITUTE BILL ACCEPTED, House Financial Institutions, (Fifth Hearing)
Reviewing summary?id=GA133-HB-131
HB134 MARCH SALES TAX HOLIDAY (ANTANI N, WEINSTEIN C) To provide a three-day sales tax "holiday" each March during which sales of qualifying Energy Star products are exempt from sales and use taxes.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
10/29/2019 - House Ways and Means, (First Hearing) Reviewing summary?id=GA133-HB-134
HB138 PROPERTY ASSESSMENT COST (ROGERS J) To increase from $250 to $500 the estimated cost of certain special assessments for which a municipal corporation must provide notice to affected property owners.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
6/26/2019 - House State and Local Government, (Second Hearing) Reviewing summary?id=GA133-HB-138
HB149 PROPERTY TAX EXEMPT-RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION (MERRIN D) To enact the "Affordable Homebuilding and Housing Act" to temporarily exempt from property tax the increased value of land subdivided for residential development.
Current Status:
Comments: Position: State Bill Page:
4/10/2019 - House Economic and Workforce Development, (Second Hearing)
Dan Acton provided testimony on April 10, 2019
Support summary?id=GA133-HB-149
HB152 TAX LEVY-SUBDIVISION CREATOR (BRINKMAN T) To require certain subdivisions to obtain the approval of the body that created the subdivision before levying a tax.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
4/10/2019 - House State and Local Government, (First Hearing) Monitor summary?id=GA133-HB-152
HB166 OPERATING BUDGET (OELSLAGER S) To make operating appropriations for the biennium beginning July 1, 2019, and ending June 30, 2021, and to provide authorization and conditions for the operation of state programs.
Current Status:
Position: State Bill Page:
7/18/2019 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR; Operating appropriations and tax levy generally effective 7/18/19. Some provisions subject to special effective dates.
Reviewing summary?id=GA133-HB-166
HB187 TAX ISSUES-AUGUST (MERRIN D, WIGGAM S) To prohibit local tax-related proposals from appearing on an August special election ballot.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
4/10/2019 - Referred to Committee House State and Local Government Support summary?id=GA133-HB-187
HB197 OMNIBUS MEASURES ON CORONAVIRUS (POWELL J, MERRIN D) To continue essential operations of state government and maintain the continuity of the state tax code in response to the declared pandemic and global health emergency related to COVID-19, to make appropriations, and to declare an emergency.
Current Status:
Position: State Bill Page:
3/27/2020 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR; Emergency: effective 3/27/20
Monitor summary?id=GA133-HB-197
HB199 ROOFING CONTRACTOR LICENSURE (PATTON T) To require commercial roofing contractors to have a license.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
9/24/2020 - Informally Passed
Monitor summary?id=GA133-HB-199
HB229 INCOME DISCRIMINATION-HOUSING (UPCHURCH T, MILLER A) To prohibit discrimination in rental housing based on lawful source of income.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
5/20/2020 - House Commerce and Labor, (First Hearing) Oppose summary?id=GA133-HB-229
HB245 PROPERTY TAX EXEMPTION TIMELINES (SMITH J) To remove the current deadlines by which an owner or lessee of a qualified energy project must apply for a property tax exemption.
Current Status:
Position: State Bill Page:
5/21/2019 - Referred to Committee House Energy and Natural Resources
Reviewing summary?id=GA133-HB-245
HB252 LAND REUTILIZATION (GREENSPAN D) To create the Land Reutilization Demolition Program and to make an appropriation.
Current Status: Comments: Position: State Bill Page:
6/30/2019 - Re-Referred to Committee
Dan Acton provided proponent testimony on June 26, 2019 Support summary?id=GA133-HB-252
HB255 PROPERTY TAX EXEMPTION REVIEW (HOOPS J) To require the Tax Commissioner's biennial tax expenditure report to include information on property tax exemptions and to require the Tax Expenditure Review Committee to periodically review each property tax exemption.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
9/24/2020 - Informally Passed
Reviewing summary?id=GA133-HB-255
HB268 VACCINES-EMPLOYMENT (HOOD R, KENT B) To enact the "Medical Consumer Protection Act" to prohibit an employer from taking an adverse employment action against a person who has not been or will not be vaccinated.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
6/4/2019 - Referred to Committee House Commerce and Labor Reviewing summary?id=GA133-HB-268
HB271 SMOKE DETECTOR SAFETY (BALDRIDGE B) To amend the law regarding smoke detectors in residential premises.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
2/12/2020 - House Commerce and Labor, (Second Hearing) Interested Party summary?id=GA133-HB-271
HB273 DELINQUENT TAX-ONLINE NOTICE (RYAN S, LIPPS S) To permit the second publication of a county delinquent property tax list to be made online instead of in a newspaper.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
10/22/2019 - House Ways and Means, (Third Hearing) Reviewing summary?id=GA133-HB-273
HB308 PTSD COVERAGE - FIRST RESPONDERS (PATTON T) Concerning workers' compensation and disability retirement for peace officers, firefighters, and emergency medical workers diagnosed with posttraumatic stress disorder arising from employment without an accompanying physical injury.
Current Status:
Position: State Bill Page:
6/3/2020 - Senate General Government and Agency Review , (Third Hearing)
Reviewing summary?id=GA133-HB-308
HB324 DAMAGES-ADJUST FOR INFLATION (MILLER A) To raise the limitations on damages for noneconomic loss and punitive damages in certain tort actions based on adjustments for inflation from the year 2005 to 2019.
Current Status:
Position: State Bill Page:
6/24/2020 - Referred to Committee Senate Health, Human Services and Medicaid
Reviewing summary?id=GA133-HB-324
HB330 FIREFIGHTER CANCER CLAIMS (PATTON T) Regarding charging workers' compensation experience in firefighter cancer claims.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
6/3/2020 - House Insurance, (Third Hearing) Reviewing summary?id=GA133-HB-330
HB351 TERMINATE RENTAL AGREEMENTS (SOBECKI L) To allow a tenant to terminate a rental agreement if the tenant is a victim of a specified crime.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
2/11/2020 - House Civil Justice, (First Hearing) Oppose summary?id=GA133-HB-351
HB352 CIVIL RIGHTS EMPLOYMENT LAWS (CROSS J, LANG G) To modify Ohio civil rights laws related to employment.
Current Status:
Position: State Bill Page:
5/12/2020 - REPORTED OUT AS AMENDED, House Civil Justice, (Fourth Hearing)
Reviewing summary?id=GA133-HB-352
HB356 CLEVELAND HOUSING COURT JURISDICTION (PATTON T) To grant the Cleveland Housing Court jurisdiction in any review or appeal of a final order of an administrative body that relates to a local building, health, or safety code.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
1/21/2020 - BILL AMENDED, House Civil Justice, (Fifth Hearing) Reviewing summary?id=GA133-HB-356
HB357 CLEVELAND MUNICIPAL COURT JURISDICTION (PATTON T) To grant the Housing Division of the Cleveland Municipal Court concurrent jurisdiction with the Court of Common Pleas in criminal cases related to environmental pollution.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
1/21/2020 - House Civil Justice, (Fifth Hearing) Reviewing summary?id=GA133-HB-357
HB369 SEXUAL, GENDER DISCRIMINATION (HILLYER B, SKINDELL M) To enact the Ohio Fairness Act to prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity or expression, to add mediation as an informal method that the Ohio Civil Rights Commission may use, and to uphold existing religious exemptions under Ohio's Civil Rights Law.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
2/4/2020 - House Civil Justice, (Second Hearing) Reviewing summary?id=GA133-HB-369
HB380 CONTRACTOR PAYMENT DEADLINE (CROSS J, SWEENEY B) To require owners of construction projects to pay a contractor within thirty-five days of receiving a request for payment.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
5/20/2020 - House Commerce and Labor, (Fourth Hearing) Reviewing summary?id=GA133-HB-380
HB391 STATE MINIMUM WAGE INCREASE (SMITH K, SOBECKI L) To increase the state minimum wage to ten dollars and fifty-five cents per hour beginning January 1, 2021.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
11/12/2019 - Referred to Committee House Commerce and Labor Reviewing summary?id=GA133-HB-391
HB401 TOWNSHIP REFERENDUM - WIND FARMS (REINEKE W) To require inclusion of safety specifications in wind farm certificate applications, to modify wind turbine setbacks, and to permit a township referendum vote on certain wind farm certificates.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
12/3/2019 - House Energy and Natural Resources, (Third Hearing) Monitor summary?id=GA133-HB-401
HB437 HOMESTEAD EXEMPTION - MILITARY SPOUSES (GREEN D, ROGERS J) To allow an enhanced homestead exemption for surviving spouses of uniformed service members who die in the line of duty or whose death is otherwise service connected.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
5/28/2020 - House Ways and Means, (First Hearing) Support summary?id=GA133-HB-437
HB439 HOMESTEAD EXEMPTION - DISABLED VETERANS (STEPHENS J) To adjust for inflation the $25,000 homestead exemption and the enhanced homestead exemption for disabled veterans.
Current Status:
Position: State Bill Page:
2/11/2020 - BILL AMENDED, House Ways and Means, (Second Hearing)
Reviewing summary?id=GA133-HB-439
HB449 REAL ESTATE TRANSFER TAX (GREEN D, SKINDELL M) To apply the real estate transfer tax to transfers of a controlling interest in a pass-through entity that, directly or indirectly, owns real estate.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
1/28/2020 - Referred to Committee House Ways and Means Reviewing summary?id=GA133-HB-449
HB467 PASS-THROUGH ENTITY TAX REDUCTION (SCHERER G) To reduce the pass-through entity withholding tax rate to four percent.
Current Status:
Position: State Bill Page:
2/19/2020 - SUBSTITUTE BILL ACCEPTED, House Ways and Means, (Fourth Hearing)
Reviewing summary?id=GA133-HB-467
HB487 TAX-FORFEITED LAND (GREEN D, WEST T) To increase, from one to six years, the interval within which county auditors must offer tax-forfeited land for sale and to give county auditors more discretion as to how and where such sales are conducted.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
2/26/2020 - House State and Local Government, (First Hearing) Reviewing summary?id=GA133-HB-487
HB505 AUTHORITY ELIMINATION - RESIDENTIAL FACILITIES (BECKER J, CROSSMAN J) To eliminate the specific authority of residential facilities to operate within residential zoning districts.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
2/19/2020 - Referred to Committee House Health Reviewing summary?id=GA133-HB-505
HB507 DELINQUENT TAX LIEN PAYMENTS (MANNING D) To prohibit enforcement of delinquent property tax liens against owner-occupied homesteads and to require that any delinquent tax be paid before the title to a homestead may be transferred.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
2/19/2020 - Referred to Committee House Ways and Means Reviewing summary?id=GA133-HB-507
HB517 RULE REVIEW EXEMPTION - BUILDING, FIRE CODES (SWEENEY B) To explicitly exempt building and fire codes from certain rule review requirements.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
3/10/2020 - Referred to Committee House State and Local Government Reviewing summary?id=GA133-HB-517
HB541 DESTROYED PROPERTY - VALUATION ADJUSTMENTS (PERALES R) Regarding valuation adjustments for destroyed or injured property.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
9/24/2020 - Informally Passed
Reviewing summary?id=GA133-HB-541
HB556 EMERGENCY WORKERS - PTSD COMPENSATION (LANG G, ANTANI N) Concerning compensation, medical benefits, and disability retirement for peace officers, firefighters, and emergency medical workers diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder arising from employment without an accompanying physical injury.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
5/5/2020 - Referred to Committee House Insurance Reviewing summary?id=GA133-HB-556
HB562 PROHIBIT EVICTION, FORECLOSURE DURING COVID-19 (LELAND D, CROSSMAN J) To prohibit foreclosure activity and the eviction of residential and commercial tenants during the state of emergency declared regarding COVID-19, to refer such proceedings caused by the state of emergency to mediation, and to declare an emergency.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
5/5/2020 - Referred to Committee House Civil Justice Oppose summary?id=GA133-HB-562
HB564 PREVENT UTILITY DISRUPTION DURING COVID-19 (LELAND D) To prevent the disruption of utility service during the state of emergency declared regarding COVID-19 and to declare an emergency.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
5/5/2020 - Referred to Committee House Public Utilities Oppose summary?id=GA133-HB-564
HB565 EXTEND INCOME TAX FILING DEADLINE (ROGERS J, CROSSMAN J) To extend the filing and payment dates for state, municipal, and school district income taxes by the same period as any federal income tax extension granted in response to the COVID-19 disease outbreak and to declare an emergency.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
5/5/2020 - Referred to Committee House Ways and Means Neutral summary?id=GA133-HB-565
HB572 STATE OFFICES - FEE, PENALTY WAIVERS (SOBECKI L) To allow the Ohio Public Works Commission, the Ohio Water Development Authority, the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency, county auditors, and county recorders, during the state of emergency due to COVID-19, to waive certain penalties and late fees, suspend certain reporting requirements, and waive electronic recording fees, and to declare an emergency.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
5/5/2020 - Referred to Committee House State and Local Government Reviewing summary?id=GA133-HB-572
HB573 COVID-19 - OCCUPATIONAL DISEASE (SOBECKI L, BOGGS K) To make COVID-19 an occupational disease under the Workers' Compensation Law under certain circumstances and to declare an emergency.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
5/12/2020 - House Insurance, (First Hearing) Reviewing summary?id=GA133-HB-573
HB574 TRANSFER FUNDS - UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION FUND (MILLER J) To transfer moneys to the Unemployment Compensation Special Administration Fund, to make an appropriation, and to declare an emergency.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
5/19/2020 - House Insurance, (First Hearing) Reviewing summary?id=GA133-HB-574
HB575 COUNTY DROP BOX PAYMENTS (MILLER J) To permit counties to receive payments by a drop box instead of in-person for the duration of the Governor's COVID-19 emergency declaration and to declare an emergency.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
5/5/2020 - Referred to Committee House State and Local Government Reviewing summary?id=GA133-HB-575
HB576 SUSPEND HOMESTEAD INTEREST PENALTY, FORECLOSURE (ROGERS J, CROSSMAN J) To temporarily abate the charging of interest and penalties against tax-delinquent homesteads and suspend tax foreclosure proceedings and tax certificate sales regarding such homesteads and to declare an emergency.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
5/5/2020 - Referred to Committee House Ways and Means Reviewing summary?id=GA133-HB-576
HB578 HOMELESS SHELTERS, RENT ASSISTANCE (SMITH K) To make an appropriation to support homeless shelters in the state and to provide emergency rental assistance in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and to declare an emergency.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
5/5/2020 - Referred to Committee House Finance Reviewing summary?id=GA133-HB-578
HB581 ADDRESS COVID-19 CONCERNS (CALLENDER J) To address immediate concerns related to COVID-19.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
5/5/2020 - Referred to Committee House Health Reviewing summary?id=GA133-HB-581
HB596 DEBT COLLECTION POSTPONEMENT (WEST T) To halt the collection of debts and to declare an emergency.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
5/5/2020 - Referred to Committee House Civil Justice Reviewing summary?id=GA133-HB-596
HB602 PROPERTY TAX FORECLOSURE NOTICES (ROGERS J, LIPPS S) To modify the manner in which property tax foreclosure notices may be published.
Current Status:
Position: State Bill Page:
6/10/2020 - REPORTED OUT, House Ways and Means, (Fifth Hearing)
Reviewing summary?id=GA133-HB-602
HB606 CIVIL IMMUNITY - COVID-19 TRANSMISSION (GRENDELL D) To grant civil immunity to a person who provides services for essential businesses and operations for injury, death, or loss that was caused by the transmission of COVID-19 during the period of emergency declared by Executive Order 2020-01D, issued on March 9, 2020.
Current Status: Comments:
Position: State Bill Page:
Dan Acton provided written proponent testimony on 6/24/2020 in the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Support summary?id=GA133-HB-606
T) To create the Unemployment Compensation Modernization and Improvement Council, to revise the claims process and duties related to that process, to require the Auditor of State to examine and make recommendations on the efficiency of the process, to require the Director of Job and Family Services to create a strategic staffing plan for employees who handle inquiries and claims for unemployment benefits, to require the Chancellor of Higher Education to create a template for workforce-education partnership programs, to provide for the distribution of some federal coronavirus relief funding to local subdivisions, to extend the renewal deadline for concealed handgun licenses for ninety days or until June 30, 2021, whichever is later, to allow licensees to apply for or renew licenses with any county sheriff until that date, to authorize the conveyance of certain state-owned land, to provide funding for community projects, to make appropriations, and to declare an emergency.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
10/1/2020 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR; eff. 10/1/20. Reviewing summary?id=GA133-HB-614
HB617 LEGISLATIVE APPROVAL PROCEDURES - SHUTDOWN ORDERS (JORDAN K) To establish certain time frames and legislative approval procedures as conditions governing the authority of the Department of Health to issue statewide shelter-in-place or stay-at-home orders for preventing the spread of contagious or infectious diseases, to invalidate existing statewide shelter- in-place or stay-at-home orders issued by the Department, and to declare an emergency.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
5/12/2020 - Referred to Committee House State and Local Government Reviewing summary?id=GA133-HB-617
HB618 NOW ACT (BECKER J) To limit the authority of the Governor and the Department of Health to issue orders regarding contagious or infectious diseases, to prohibit any order from affecting the conduct of an election, to designate its provisions as the "Need Ohio Working (NOW) Act," and to declare an emergency.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
6/9/2020 - House State and Local Government, (First Hearing) Reviewing summary?id=GA133-HB-618
HB621 BUSINESS FAIRNESS ACT (CROSS J, WILKIN S) To enact The Business Fairness Act and to declare an emergency.
Current Status:
Position: State Bill Page:
6/9/2020 - BILL AMENDED, House State and Local Government, (Third Hearing)
Reviewing summary?id=GA133-HB-621
HB624 COVID-19 TESTING INFORMATION RELEASE (GRENDELL D) To require the reporting and release of certain COVID-19 testing and related information and to declare an emergency
Current Status:
Position: State Bill Page:
6/30/2020 - Referred to Committee Senate Government Oversight and Reform
Reviewing summary?id=GA133-HB-624
HB639 REGULATE WATER UTILITY PROVIDERS (CRAWLEY E) To regulate water utility providers' ability to curtail, disrupt, or disconnect water service to customers.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
5/27/2020 - Referred to Committee House Public Utilities Oppose summary?id=GA133-HB-639
HB645 AUTO-ENROLLMENT RETIREMENT SAVINGS PROGRAM (HOWSE S, BRENT J) To establish an auto-enrollment retirement savings program for private sector employees.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
5/27/2020 - Referred to Committee House Commerce and Labor Reviewing summary?id=GA133-HB-645
HB648 EMPLOYEE COMPENSATION - PAYROLL CARD (ROGERS J) To regulate employee compensation by payroll card.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
5/27/2020 - Referred to Committee House Commerce and Labor Reviewing summary?id=GA133-HB-648
HB649 ODH - TESTING (STOLTZFUS R, HOOD R) Regarding the authority of the Department of Health and local boards of health to make certain orders and regarding the testing of individuals for certain communicable diseases.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
6/9/2020 - House State and Local Government, (First Hearing) Reviewing summary?id=GA133-HB-649
HB663 REPEAL PREVAILING WAGE LAW (HOOD R, DEAN B) To repeal the Prevailing Wage Law.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
5/27/2020 - Referred to Committee House Commerce and Labor Reviewing summary?id=GA133-HB-663
HB671 PUBLIC HEALTH ORDER LIMITS (ABRAMS C, STEPHENS J) To establish limits on certain public health orders issued by boards of health and the Department of Health, to prohibit a licensing authority from taking disciplinary action against a licensee for engaging in permitted activities during a pandemic, and to declare an emergency.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
6/9/2020 - House State and Local Government, (Fourth Hearing) Reviewing summary?id=GA133-HB-671
HB672 WORKER PROTECTION ACT (LELAND D, SOBECKI L) To enact the "Worker Protection Act" to require the Director of Job and Family Services to consider certain factors related to COVID-19 when determining, for purposes of unemployment benefit eligibility, whether an individual had just cause to quit work or refuse employment and to declare an emergency.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
5/27/2020 - Referred to Committee House Insurance Reviewing summary?id=GA133-HB-672
HB673 BUSINESS OPERATION, EDUCATION COMPLETION (ROEMER B) Regarding the operation of businesses, practice of certain professions, and completion of education as it relates to COVID-19 and to declare an emergency.
Current Status:
Position: State Bill Page:
6/24/2020 - Referred to Committee Senate General Government and Agency Review
Reviewing summary?id=GA133-HB-673
HB676 GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY APPEAL BOARDS (JORDAN K) To create twelve regional State and Local Government Accountability Appeal Boards and to declare an emergency.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
6/3/2020 - House State and Local Government, (Third Hearing) Reviewing summary?id=GA133-HB-676
HB694 PERMANENT REPLACEMENT HOUSING PROGRAM (PERALES R, SMITH J) To establish the Permanent Replacement Housing Program and to make an appropriation.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
6/9/2020 - Referred to Committee House Finance Reviewing summary?id=GA133-HB-694
HB704 COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AREAS LAWS (CROSS J, FRAIZER M) To modify the law governing Community Redevelopment Areas and the terms under which property may be exempted in such areas.
Current Status:
Position: State Bill Page:
8/31/2020 - Referred to Committee House Economic and Workforce Development
Reviewing summary?id=GA133-HB-704
HB705 PUBLIC NUISANCES, BLIGHT FORECLOSURE ACTIONS (MILLER A) To amend the law regarding public nuisances and blight foreclosure actions and to declare an emergency.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
8/31/2020 - Referred to Committee House Civil Justice Reviewing summary?id=GA133-HB-705
HB722 GARBAGE, DEBRIS - PUBLIC NUISANCE (MILLER A) To add the accumulation of garbage and debris to the conditions that may constitute a public nuisance.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
8/31/2020 - Referred to Committee House Health Reviewing summary?id=GA133-HB-722
HB730 LEAD SERVICE LINE REPLACEMENT PROGRAM (RUSSO A, GREENSPAN D) To establish the Lead Service Line Replacement Program.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
8/31/2020 - Referred to Committee House State and Local Government Reviewing summary?id=GA133-HB-730
HB734 DELINQUENT PROPERTY TAX FORECLOSURE PROCEEDINGS (ROGERS J, HICKS- HUDSON P) To modify some delinquent property tax foreclosure proceedings and to prohibit certain tax-delinquent persons and associates from purchasing any tax-foreclosed property or delinquent tax certificates.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
8/31/2020 - Referred to Committee House Ways and Means Reviewing summary?id=GA133-HB-734
HB737 MODIFY CAMPAIGN FINANCE LAW (MANNING G, MIRANDA J) To modify the Campaign Finance Law regarding independent expenditures and political action committees.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
8/31/2020 - Referred to Committee House State and Local Government Reviewing summary?id=GA133-HB-737
HB739 ANTI-CORRUPTION ACT (SWEENEY B, RUSSO A) To modify the campaign finance law, to name this act the Ohio Anti-Corruption Act, and to amend the versions of sections of the Revised Code that are scheduled to take effect January 1, 2021, to continue the provisions of this act on and after that effective date.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
8/31/2020 - Referred to Committee House State and Local Government Reviewing summary?id=GA133-HB-739
HB744 EVICTION CRISIS RESPONSE ACT (LELAND D, BRENT J) To enact the Eviction Crisis Response Act to create the COVID-19 Emergency Rental Assistance Program, to make an appropriation, and to declare an emergency.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
8/31/2020 - Referred to Committee House Commerce and Labor Support summary?id=GA133-HB-744
HB749 DEPRECIATION ADJUSTMENTS - TEMPORARY SUSPENSION (ROEMER B) To temporarily suspend provisions relating to bonus depreciation adjustments for a taxpayer with a federal net operating loss.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
8/31/2020 - Referred to Committee House Ways and Means Reviewing summary?id=GA133-HB-749
HB751 PROPERTY TAX VALUATION COMPLAINTS (HILLYER B) To modify the law regarding property tax valuation complaints.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
8/31/2020 - Referred to Committee House Ways and Means Reviewing summary?id=GA133-HB-751
HB754 REMOTE WORK TAX RULES (JORDAN K) To modify municipal income tax employer withholding rules for COVID-19-related work-from-home employees.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
8/31/2020 - Introduced
Reviewing summary?id=GA133-HB-754
HB755 TAX FORECLOSURES - COUNTY LAND REUTILIZATIONS (PATTON T) To make changes to the law relating to tax foreclosures and county land reutilization corporations.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
8/31/2020 - Introduced
Reviewing summary?id=GA133-HB-755
  1. HB762  MODIFY CAMPAIGN FINANCE LAWS (GRENDELL D, FRAIZER M) To modify the campaign finance law and to declare an emergency.
Current Status: 9/21/2020 - Introduced
State Bill Page:
  1. HB763  TERMINATE COVID-19 STATE OF EMERGENCY (GRENDELL D, STOLTZFUS R) To terminate the COVID-19 state of emergency in Ohio and to declare an emergency.
Current Status: 9/23/2020 - Introduced
State Bill Page:
HCR31 DECLARE RACISM PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS (HOWSE S, CRAWLEY E) To declare racism a public health crisis and to ask the Governor to establish a working group to promote racial equity in Ohio.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
6/3/2020 - Referred to Committee House State and Local Government Reviewing summary?id=GA133-HCR-31
HR140 ABOLISH CORPORATE PERSONHOOD (SKINDELL M) To call on legislators at the state and federal level and other communities and jurisdictions to support an amendment to the United States Constitution that would abolish corporate personhood and the doctrine of money as speech.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
6/26/2019 - House Federalism, (First Hearing) Reviewing summary?id=GA133-HR-140
SB1 REDUCE REGULATORY RESTRICTIONS (MCCOLLEY R, ROEGNER K) To require certain agencies to reduce the number of regulatory restrictions and to continue the provision of this act on and after August 18, 2019.
Current Status:
Position: State Bill Page:
6/4/2020 - House Appoints Managers; S. Wiggam, B. Seitz & B. Kelly Named as House Conferees
Reviewing summary?id=GA133-SB-1
SB8 TAX CREDITS-OHIO OPPORTUNITY ZONE (SCHURING K) To authorize tax credits for investments in an Ohio Opportunity Zone.
Current Status:
Position: State Bill Page:
5/8/2019 - House Economic and Workforce Development, (Second Hearing)
Monitor summary?id=GA133-SB-8
(ANTONIO N) To enact the Ohio Fairness Act to prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity or expression, to add mediation as an informal method that the Ohio Civil Rights Commission may use, and to uphold existing religious exemptions under Ohio's Civil Rights Law.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
5/22/2019 - Senate Judiciary, (Third Hearing) Reviewing summary?id=GA133-SB-11
SB36 FEDERALLY SUBSIDIZED RENTAL PROPERTY VALUATION (HUFFMAN M) To prescribe how federally subsidized residential rental property must be valued for property tax purposes.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
4/2/2019 - Senate Ways and Means, (Third Hearing) Reviewing summary?id=GA133-SB-36
SB50 INCREASE SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL FEE (EKLUND J) To increase state solid waste disposal fee that is deposited into the Soil and Water Conservation District Assistance Fund, and to make an appropriation.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
4/2/2019 - Senate Finance, (Second Hearing) Reviewing summary?id=GA133-SB-50
SB86 UTILITY SERVICE RESELLERS (MAHARATH T) To regulate certain resellers of utility service.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
12/10/2019 - Senate Energy and Public Utilities, (Third Hearing) Reviewing summary?id=GA133-SB-86
SB96 CLEVELAND HOUSING COURT (DOLAN M, YUKO K) To grant the Cleveland Housing Court jurisdiction in any review or appeal of a final order of an administrative body that relates to a local building, health, or safety code.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
11/6/2019 - Senate Judiciary, (Third Hearing) Reviewing summary?id=GA133-SB-96
SB103 GRANT CONCURRENT JURISDICTION-POLLUTION (DOLAN M, YUKO K) Revises jurisdiction of Cleveland Housing Court regarding both criminal environmental pollution cases and administrative review/appeal of building, health or safety code.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
5/19/2020 - House Civil Justice, (First Hearing) Reviewing summary?id=GA133-SB-103
SB112 DEBT ADJUSTING (EKLUND J) Regarding debt adjusting.
Current Status:
Position: State Bill Page:
9/1/2020 - REPORTED OUT, Senate Insurance and Financial Institutions, (Fifth Hearing)
Reviewing summary?id=GA133-SB-112
SB149 EMPLOYEE WAGE HISTORY (MAHARATH T) To prohibit employers from seeking a prospective employee's wage or salary history.
Current Status:
Position: State Bill Page:
1/29/2020 - Senate Transportation, Commerce and Workforce, (First Hearing)
Reviewing summary?id=GA133-SB-149
SB171 17-DAY INTERIM BUDGET (DOLAN M, O'BRIEN S) To enact a 17-day interim budget.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
6/30/2019 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR; Effective Immediately Neutral summary?id=GA133-SB-171
SB172 30 DAY BWC BUDGET (DOLAN M, O'BRIEN S) To make operating appropriations for the Bureau of Workers' Compensation for the period beginning July 1, 2019, and ending July 31, 2019.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
6/30/2019 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR; Effective Immediately Neutral summary?id=GA133-SB-172
SB176 LICENSE RESIDENTIAL CONTRACTORS (SCHAFFER T) To license residential only construction contractors and to make changes to the law regulating specialty construction contractors.
Current Status:
Position: State Bill Page:
10/2/2019 - Senate Transportation, Commerce and Workforce, (First Hearing)
Reviewing summary?id=GA133-SB-176
SB181 WORKFORCE-EDUCATION PARTNERSHIPS (COLEY W) To require the Chancellor of Higher Education to create a template for workforce-education partnership programs.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
5/26/2020 - House Higher Education, (Second Hearing) Reviewing summary?id=GA133-SB-181
SB206 MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONS-TAX CREDIT (SCHAFFER T) To require municipal corporations with more than $100 million in annual income tax collections to provide a tax credit to nonresident taxpayers.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
11/19/2019 - Senate Ways and Means, (Second Hearing) Reviewing summary?id=GA133-SB-206
SB212 AUTHORIZE TOWNSHIPS-EXEMPT PROPERTY TAX (SCHURING K) To authorize townships and municipal corporations to designate areas within which new homes and improvements to existing homes are wholly or partially exempted from property taxation.
Current Status: Comments:
Position: State Bill Page:
5/19/2020 - House Ways and Means, (First Hearing)
Dan Acton provided interested party testimony on 12/17/19. Dan Acton provided opponent testimony on 2/25/2020.A^ A^ Oppose summary?id=GA133-SB-212
SB216 SCHOOL DISTRICT TAXES (ROEGNER K) To allow school districts to exempt recipients of the existing homestead exemption from additional school district taxes.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
10/23/2019 - Referred to Committee Senate Finance Reviewing summary?id=GA133-SB-216
SB234 WIND FARMS (MCCOLLEY R) To require inclusion of safety specifications in wind farm certificate applications, to modify wind turbine setbacks, and to permit a township referendum vote on certain wind farm certificates.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
2/11/2020 - Senate Energy and Public Utilities, (Third Hearing) Monitor summary?id=GA133-SB-234
SB237 SELF-DEFENSE (JOHNSON T) To enact the Ohio Duty to Retreat Act to modify the law regarding self-defense.
Current Status:
Position: State Bill Page:
1/21/2020 - Senate Government Oversight and Reform, (Fourth Hearing)
Reviewing summary?id=GA133-SB-237
SB273 REDUCE PROPERTY TAXES (WILLIAMS S) To reduce property taxes on owner-occupied homes to the extent the taxes increase by more than 10% per year and to prohibit political subdivisions from placing a lien on property for unpaid water charges.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
3/3/2020 - Senate Ways and Means, (First Hearing) Reviewing summary?id=GA133-SB-273
SB276 LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANIES (ROEGNER K) To enact the Ohio Revised Limited Liability Company Act.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
8/31/2020 - Referred to Committee House Civil Justice Reviewing summary?id=GA133-SB-276
SB282 UNEMPLOYMENT COMP COMPLAINTS (HOAGLAND F) To require the Director of Job and Family Services to establish a process for employers to make complaints regarding unemployment compensation benefits.
Current Status:
Position: State Bill Page:
9/22/2020 - Senate Insurance and Financial Institutions, (Third Hearing)
Reviewing summary?id=GA133-SB-282
SB289 CONDOMINIUMS (BLESSING III L) Regarding condominiums and planned community properties.
Current Status:
Position: State Bill Page:
7/21/2020 - Senate General Government and Agency Review , (First Hearing)
Reviewing summary?id=GA133-SB-289
SB290 CRIMINAL TRESSPASS (COLEY W) To amend the law governing criminal trespass to specify that placing purple paint marks on trees or posts constitutes posting notice in a manner reasonably calculated to come to the attention of potential intruders.
Current Status:
Position: State Bill Page:
9/22/2020 - Senate Local Government, Public Safety and Veterans Affairs, (Second Hearing)
Reviewing summary?id=GA133-SB-290
SB294 ABSENTEE VOTING (HUFFMAN M) To extend absent voting by mail for the March 17, 2020, primary election to April 28, 2020, to make an appropriation, and to declare an emergency.
Current Status:
Position: State Bill Page:
5/6/2020 - Referred to Committee Senate Government Oversight and Reform
Neutral summary?id=GA133-SB-294
SB297 PROHIBIT FORECLOSURES, EVICTIONS (ANTONIO N, CRAIG H) To prohibit foreclosure activity and the eviction of residential and commercial tenants during the state of emergency declared regarding COVID-19, to refer such proceedings caused by the state of emergency to mediation, and to declare an emergency.
Current Status:
Position: State Bill Page:
7/21/2020 - Senate General Government and Agency Review , (First Hearing)
Oppose summary?id=GA133-SB-297
SB299 REQUIRE PAID LEAVE (CRAIG H) To require paid leave for an employee who is unable to work due to quarantine or mandatory isolation, to create a grant program to compensate contract workers who cannot perform services during public health emergencies, to make an appropriation, and to declare an emergency.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
5/6/2020 - Referred to Committee Senate Finance Reviewing summary?id=GA133-SB-299
SB308 CIVIL LIABILITY-EMERGENCY SERVICES (HUFFMAN M) To revise the law governing immunity from civil liability and professional discipline for health care providers during disasters or emergencies, to provide qualified civil immunity to service providers providing services during and after a government-declared disaster, and to declare an emergency.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
6/10/2020 - Referred to Committee House Civil Justice Support summary?id=GA133-SB-308
SB311 RESCIND DIRECTOR OF HEALTH ORDERS (MCCOLLEY R, ROEGNER K) To rescind certain orders of the Director of Health regarding COVID-19, to require the approval of the Joint Committee on Agency Rule Review for Department of Health orders to be effective for more than fourteen days, to require statewide Department of Health orders to include the Governor's signature, to modify the Department's rulemaking authority, to allow in-person high school graduation ceremonies, and to declare an emergency.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
9/23/2020 - PASSED BY SENATE; Vote 20-12 Reviewing summary?id=GA133-SB-311
SB325 BUILDING INSPECTION LAW CHANGES (ROEGNER K) To make changes to the law relating to building inspections.
Current Status:
Position: State Bill Page:
6/24/2020 - Referred to Committee Senate Transportation, Commerce and Workforce
Reviewing summary?id=GA133-SB-325
SB335 REDUCE PROPERTY TAXES-OWNER OCCUPIED HOMES (CRAIG H) To reduce property taxes on owner-occupied homes to the extent that property taxes increase by more than 3% from the previous year and to name this act the Property Tax Relief and Local Government Support Act.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
7/21/2020 - Referred to Committee Senate Ways and Means Reviewing summary?id=GA133-SB-335
SB343 EVICTION COURT FILES-EXPUNGEMENT (CRAIG H, KUNZE S) Related to expungement of eviction case court files.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
9/1/2020 - Referred to Committee Senate Judiciary Oppose summary?id=GA133-SB-343
SB347 CAMPAIGN FINANCE LAW (MANNING N) To modify the Campaign Finance Law regarding independent expenditures and political action committees.
Current Status:
Position: State Bill Page:
9/16/2020 - Senate Government Oversight and Reform, (Second Hearing)
Reviewing summary?id=GA133-SB-347
SB348 LOCAL BOARDS OF HEALTH (SCHAFFER T, ROEGNER K) To prohibit local boards of health from using certain threatening words in notifications to the public, to allow local boards of health to reject Department of Health orders during an emergency, to allow health care professionals who serve on a board of health to receive continuing education credit, and to change the makeup of local boards of health.
Current Status:
Position: State Bill Page:
9/1/2020 - Referred to Committee Senate Health, Human Services and Medicaid
Reviewing summary?id=GA133-SB-348
SB349 CAMPAIGN FINANCE LAW (FEDOR T) To modify the campaign finance law, to name this act the Ohio Anti-Corruption Act.
Current Status:
Position: State Bill Page:
9/1/2020 - Referred to Committee Senate Government Oversight and Reform
Reviewing summary?id=GA133-SB-349
SB352 MUNICIPAL INCOME TAX WITHHOLDING (ROEGNER K) To modify municipal income tax employer withholding rules for COVID-19-related work-from-home employees.
Current Status:
Position: State Bill Page:
9/22/2020 - Senate Local Government, Public Safety and Veterans Affairs, (First Hearing)
Reviewing summary?id=GA133-SB-352
SB354 BROWNFIELDS (WILLIAMS S) To require the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency to conduct a study to determine where brownfield sites are located in this state and to make an appropriation.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
9/1/2020 - Referred to Committee Senate Finance Reviewing summary?id=GA133-SB-354
SB356 TAX FORECLOSURES, COUNTY LAND BANKS (DOLAN M) To make changes to the law relating to tax foreclosures and county land reutilization corporations.
Current Status:
Position: State Bill Page:
9/1/2020 - Referred to Committee Senate Local Government, Public Safety and Veterans Affairs
Reviewing summary?id=GA133-SB-356
SB357 COVID RELIEF FUNDS-LOCALITIES (DOLAN M) To provide for the distribution of some federal coronavirus relief funding to local subdivisions and to declare an emergency.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
9/22/2020 - House Finance, (First Hearing)
Reviewing summary?id=GA133-SB-357
SB370 ARSON PENALTIES (BRENNER A) To increase penalties for arson offenses and related offenses and to make an appropriation.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
9/23/2020 - Introduced
Reviewing summary?id=GA133-SB-370
SCR13 PROHIBIT GOVERNMENT-EXCEED AUTHORITY (JOHNSON T) To resolve that no branch of government, be it executive, legislative, or judicial, nor any subordinate department, agency, or entity thereof, may take or otherwise promulgate actions that exceed its authority to do so as expressly granted under the Ohio Constitution or United States Constitution.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
6/10/2020 - Referred to Committee House State and Local Government Reviewing summary?id=GA133-SCR-13
SCR14 DECLARE RACISM PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS (CRAIG H, WILLIAMS S) To declare racism a public health crisis and to ask the Governor to establish a working group to promote racial equity in Ohio.
Current Status:
Position: State Bill Page:
6/24/2020 - Senate Health, Human Services and Medicaid, (Second Hearing)
Reviewing summary?id=GA133-SCR-14
SCR17 URGE CONGRESS-DISCLOSE POLITICAL DONORS (FEDOR T) To urge Congress to pass legislation requiring corporations and labor organizations that make political expenditures to disclose the identities of their donors.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
9/22/2020 - Senate Government Oversight and Reform, (First Hearing) Reviewing summary?id=GA133-SCR-17
SJR4 REPAY FEDERAL UNEMPLOYMENT ADVANCES (PETERSON B) Proposing to enact Section 18 of Article VIII of the Constitution of the State of Ohio to allow the General Assembly to provide for the issuance of obligations to repay outstanding advances made by the federal government to the unemployment compensation program of the state.
Current Status: Position: State Bill Page:
8/31/2020 - Referred to Committee House Finance Reviewing summary?id=GA133-SJR-4
SR221 ABOLISH CORPORATE PERSONHOOD (ANTONIO N) To call on legislators at the state and federal level and other communities and jurisdictions to support an amendment to the United States Constitution that would abolish corporate personhood and the doctrine of money as speech.
Current Status:
Position: State Bill Page:
10/9/2019 - Senate General Government and Agency Review , (First Hearing)
Reviewing summary?id=GA133-SR-221

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