2019-07-22 Fannie & Freddie’s “Uncertain Future” Explained
| By:
Brad Beckett
Fannie & Freddie’s “Uncertain Future” Explainedby Brad Beckett
A recent Wall Street Journal article (posted on Realtor.com) discussed the Trump administration’s plans to overhaul Fannie and Freddie – the two giants that back almost half of all U.S. mortgages. They report that the administration wants to put them on the road toward returning them to private hands. Currently, there is an intense debate in Washington about the future of these two behemoths. Indeed…
“Fannie and Freddie make mortgages more readily available and more affordable. The 30-year, fixed-rate mortgage essentially owes its existence to them. But some argue that the private market could fill this role more efficiently. Right now, there isn’t much agreement on either side of the aisle on how to change the government’s involvement in mortgages or what the market would look like without the two companies.”
Click here to read the full story at Realtor.com.